MadrASA Timetable

Weekday Madrasa - Monday to Thursday

5PM to 6:45PM (No spaces)

Weekend Madrasa - Saturday and Sundays

Batch 1 - 10:30AM to 12:00PM

Batch 2 - 12:00PM to 1:30PM

Morning Madrasa - Monday to Thursday

6:30AM to 8:00AM

Last 5 Juz Hifz - Monday to Thursday

5PM to 6:45PM

Hifz Classes - Monday to Friday

5PM to 7PM

Online Classes - Monday to Thursday

5PM to 6PM or 6PM to 7pm

Online Classes - Weekend

10:30AM to 12:30AM

Learn with Fun 4 & 5 Year Olds on - Friday

5PM to 7PM

Please read through the Terms and conditions of the Madrasa

Madrasa Application Form