Janaza Fund

Janaza fund joining fee

About the Project

This is a community project by Alhidaya Croydon to cover the funeral costs for its members. As a member this will enable you to plan for your future funeral, not just for yourself but for your family members within their lifetime.

What help does our fund offer

  • It would help avoid family members/relatives bearing the financial burden of the funeral cost.

  • It would help to guide the relatives of the deceased during a distressing time.

  • It would ensure that the funeral is in accordance with the Shariah (Islamic Law).

Under Islamic law known as “Shariah”, the body of the deceased should be buried as soon as possible from the time of death. This means that funeral preparations and planning must begin immediately. This can be done by the family members of the deceased or the local Masjid (Mosque) or Masjid in Alhidaya network (e.g. Croydon Masjid, Balham Masjid etc). Where necessary Alhidaya will guide the family members of the deceased and help them with information about the funeral arrangements. We will be following the Islamic rulings in such matters. Alhidaya Croydon would only cover the cost of all the funeral services for its deceased member(s). Based on the above Shariah ruling, the service offered is intended for burial of the deceased immediately or as soon as it becomes possible to do so within London/M25. Therefore, arranging to transport the deceased’s body to another country or to make arrangements for the burial of a deceased member to another country is excluded from this funeral service.

Who is covered?

The name of the client or member and other names registered in the member’s contract or package is covered.

What does the membership cover?

Membership covers the funeral Services of all the named members in the membership contract;

  • Ghusl - washing of the deceased.

  • Shrouding of the deceased.

  • Purchase of burial plot for the deceased.

  • Transportation to the burial site limited to London and within M25 orbital motorway.

What is the membership fee?

A one time, non-refundable joining fee of £25 should be paid to become a member. Membership is lifetime and the monthly premium (subscription fee) is £10 per month per family member.

Family members must be immediate and not extended. Proof of I.D. for all family members will be required upon registration. (Passport or drivers' License).


We will not cover the cost of funeral services for a person:

  • In any circumstances that are shown under the exclusions section in your Policy schedule.

  • If the member terminates the membership contract, in which case this Policy will be void. In the case of a terminated membership contract, we have a No Refund Policy.

  • Repatriation cost. This Policy does not cover repatriation of the deceased member or whoever is named as family members within their Policy to the UK.

  • If for any reason the funeral is not successfully completed by the appointed Funeral Service Provider (FSP), we will NOT be liable or deemed in breach of contract.

  • Alhidaya shall in no circumstances be liable to the Client for any loss, claim or liability of whatever nature caused by the acts or omissions of any third party.

  • Bury the deceased beyond London/M25 unless additional costs for this has been agreed to be paid by the bereaved family members.

How to Apply

If you want to register as a member of the Alhidaya Croydon Janaza Fund you can do so by filing out the form and paying the joining fee (£25). Once you submit the form you will receive a confirmation email followed by an online link to setup a standing order. If you do not have an email address, please contact us and one of our volunteers will assist you.

Contact us

If you have any queries or want to use any of the options in relation to this Policy, please write to us at: Alhidaya Croydon, 177 Brigstock Road, Croydon – CR7 7JP or call us on 07572 116952. When making any inquiries please quote your REFERENCE ID as shown in your Policy schedule or confirmation email. We may record and monitor calls. Call charges will vary. You can also email us at: alhidayacroydon@gmail.com 

Change this Policy

You should contact us at our office if you want to request any of the following changes:

  • Remove a registered member

  • Change in Marital Status. The Policy will automatically reflect the current marital status.

  • Change the frequency of your membership fee payments from annually to monthly or monthly to annually.

 All changes requested will be accessed based on the members' circumstances at that period. We will confirm if the change means this Policy has to be cancelled and a new Policy issued, which may have different terms and conditions. A change may affect the premiums that are payable.

Cancel this Policy

  • You can cancel this Policy at any time.

  • Once this Policy starts we will send you a notice of your right to cancel. If you cancel this Policy, we would not refund any fees paid.

  • If you cancel this Policy, the Policy will end and no further fees will be payable and no benefits to the cancelled Policy would be offered.

Make a complaint

If you wish to make a complaint about the service you have received from us, or you would like us to send you a copy of our Internal complaint handling procedure, please contact us on 07572 116952 . Alternatively, you can write to us at: Alhidaya Croydon, 177 Brigstock Road, Croydon – CR7 7JP, Surrey

Terms and Conditions

As with any service company, we have our Terms and Conditions that set out the legal basis of our relationship and, along with our Code of Practice, are there to protect everyone concerned. These arrangements can only be changed if authorised by the governing body of Alhidaya Croydon Janaza Fund plan. The Terms and Conditions are as follows:

  • This Contract shall be entered between Alhidaya Croydon and the Client by the Client filling in an application form (whether electronic or paper based). No verbal variation of the terms of this Contract shall be effective. These conditions apply to the exclusion of, and in the place of, any terms proposed or put forward by the Client; and shall only be capable of variation by a written amendment to them, approved by the governing body of Alhidaya Croydon. No verbal warranties, representations, agreements or assurances shall bind Alhidaya Croydon, other than where provided for in this Contract, or by law

  • Subject to the terms of this Contract, and in consideration of the payment of Alhidaya Croydon’s Premiums, and of any other monies which may become due under this Contract - Alhidaya Croydon shall pay for or cover the costs involved in Islamic funeral activities for the Deceased, from receiving the Deceased at the Collection Point; performing the required funeral activities in Islam; to transporting the Deceased to the burial destination

  • If the member's details (full names, dates of birth, etc) as shown in the Policy schedule are incorrect at the time of the signing of the contract, the terms of this Policy shall allow the member to correct the details within the first 30 days; else the contract may become void

  • If the member intentionally provides us with incorrect details, we are entitled to cancel this Policy for security reasons. No refund would be given

  • If the Deceased member, or a member in the family package, resides outside the UK, we reserve the right to decline covering funeral costs for the Deceased

  • We may make changes to the Policy terms and conditions that we reasonably consider are appropriate, due to a change in any applicable legislation, regulation or taxation. In such circumstances, we will notify you before 30 calendar days of any changes being made

  • If the Policy is to be cancelled for any reason, no refund will be provided

  • The cost of funeral services offered to the registered member entails options like choosing the desired mosque and burial ground within reasonable cost, as decided by Alhidaya Croydon

  • All communication in relation to this Policy will be in British English

  • The right to exercise any option under this Policy, or to exercise any right conferred by this Policy, is limited to such as allowed in the terms of the Policy, and are compatible with the options and benefits specified in the type of membership package contracted between the member and Alhidaya Croydon

  • All notices of concern should be sent to our admin office

  • The member must be a Muslim

  • Members of the family package must be Muslims

  • Alhidaya Croydon Janaza Fund must be given the full right to contact and negotiate with third parties to perform an Islamic funeral for the deceased member

  • The member must be able to keep up with premium payment at the agreed date without any break. i.e. whether we are in the UK or outside the UK, premium has to be paid

  • Policy will be ceased if the premium is not paid for consecutive 3 months. Policy can be renewed after clearing the arrears. There will be an admin fee of £50 for the renewal

  • The family of the deceased member have the option to continue to pay into the Janaza Fund Plan as a means of Sadaqah for the deceased member in order to help those who cannot afford a burial or those who have no family to take responsibility for burying their deceased

  • Premium amount is fixed for lifetime for the members

  • Premium amount will be revised at regular interval

  • Members will be charged the premium at the time of joining

Definitions and Interpretation of terms in the agreement In these conditions:

  • Our, us or we: Alhidaya Islamic Centre, registered office at Alhidaya Islamic centre, 177 Brigstock Road, Croydon – CR7 7JP

  • Charges: means the estimated contract price which AIC Janaza Fund shall from time to time levy the client

  • Client: means any person engaging Alhidaya Croydon Islamic Centre Janaza Fund on the terms in this Contract and includes, unless the context otherwise indicates, that person’s Admins, agents, employees and sub-contractors

  • Contract: means the contract between the Client and Alhidaya Croydon Islamic Centre Janaza Fund

  • Deceased: means member of Alhidaya Croydon Islamic Centre Janaza Fund Plan who has died

  • Destination: means the appointed place of burial which the Client has requested Alhidaya Croydon Islamic Centre Janaza Fund to bury the deceased

  • In Transit: means the time beginning with collection of the Deceased from the Collection Point and ending with delivery of the Deceased at the appointed Destination

  • Policy: This Policy is issued by Alhidaya Croydon Islamic Centre, which consists of the Policy terms and conditions and Policy schedule

  • Policy expiry date: Upon death of the member

  • Policy schedule: The schedule shows the cover that you have and forms part of this Policy

  • Policy start date: The start date of this Policy, as shown in your Policy schedule

  • Instalment(s): The amount you pay for this Policy as shown in your Policy schedule

  • Admin office: Our Admin office is at 177, Brigstock Road, Croydon – CR7 7JP

Janaza fund joining fee